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Supported Living Property Network Conference 

Unique members only conference where we get provides and investors in one room connecting with each other, combined with expert speakers and panel discussions. 

At the last conference the buzz in the room was incredible. Members left the event inspired and significant relationships were made which have created long term impact.


Next conference

15th November 2024

Eastside Rooms, Birmingham

Tickets only available for members to buy 

☂︎ Connect and network directly with provider and property investors to build your own relationships
☂︎ Lunch included
☂︎ Past events have completely sold out
☂︎ Industry leading speakers
☂︎ Opportunity to stay for dinner and continue networking

☂︎ Full line up to be confirmed 

Full day ticket available for only £195 (inc VAT) per person
Members can buy an additional ticket for a business/life partner to attend with them
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Speakers and Timetable
to be announced

Speakers and subjects may change


Our last two events sold out

Watch the video to see why you need to secure your place today

"When I set up The Network I had dreamed of having an in person conference. The reality of getting so many of our members in a room exceeded any expectation I had.


The buzz in the room was incredible with people networking, the speakers were inspiring and the quality relationships forged I know have gone on to create long term impact"

Lisa Brown, Founder 

 Our Speakers

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Terry Galloway

Care Leaver Champion, Entrepreneur & Campaigner for Protected Characteristics  

Find out more here

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Details to be confirmed 

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Details to be confirmed

Lisa Brown

Founder Supported Living Property Network. 

Want to attend?

If you are a Network member, you can buy a ticket here (you will be asked to log in)

If you are not yet a member, use the link below to join and then you can access the members area and buy your ticket.

Thanks to our sponsors

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"It was a fantastic day - great atmosphere, really interesting people and useful to hear other peoples perspectives - looking forward to the November one. "

Dan Croxen-John

Our Speakers

Terry Galloway

Care Leaver Champion, Entrepreneur & Campaigner for Protected Characteristics 


Terry Galloway is a dedicated Care Leaver Champion and passionate advocate for children in care and care leavers across England, Scotland, and Wales. With firsthand experience in the care system, Terry has made it his mission to drive systemic change. He leads a national campaign to have Care Experience recognised as a Protected Characteristic, ensuring that the needs and rights of care-experienced individuals are acknowledged and safeguarded in law. 

In addition to his advocacy work, Terry runs a housing association that provides much-needed housing for care leavers and also operates an estate agency business. His entrepreneurial efforts are centered around improving the life outcomes for care-experienced individuals by creating stable living environments and employment opportunities.  

Terry also co-founded , the first site to compare what support councils do for care leavers. 


Terry has successfully persuaded 102 local councils to pass motions supporting his cause to treat Care Experience as if it were a Protected Characteristic. His leadership and advocacy efforts are creating lasting reform that seeks to improve life outcomes for care leavers. His work focuses on uniting communities and local authorities to ensure that the care-experienced population receives the recognition and protections they deserve. 

At the conference, Terry will share his powerful journey, offering valuable insights into the importance of care experience recognition, social, fiscal and economic benefits along with some policy changes that are needed, and his vision for a more inclusive and equitable society. 


Did you miss the free webinar? You can find it in the members video library
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